Literary Blogging 101: What Attracts People to a Blog

I love reading, lol who wouldn’t have guessed right? So the number one thing that makes me read or view a blog, is my love for reading.Blue #1

The content of the blog, the voice of the blog. Is it something beneficial to me? Do I love what the blogger puts out? I love blogs about books, write-ups (stories), food, do it yourself (DIY), inspiring articles, relationships, organization, personal, lifestyle etc. I can read anything as long as it keeps my interest, the writing style is wonderful, attention-grabbing, informative or entertaining. When the passion that goes into the creating of the posts is ever-present. No two blogs are the same because even if two bloggers are talking about the same thing, the voices and ways of expressing thoughts will always be different.

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The person behind the blog. The more I interact with a blogger who is friendly, helpful and insightful the more prone I am to be a loyal reader of the blogger’s blog. Communicating is two way, show me love and I return it in tenfolds. I will show support to the moon and back because I am grateful and appreciative. p.s. I do try to communicate with fellow bloggers a lot, by trying to check out people’s post as often as I can and I do love commenting on blog posts, but it’s really hard to comment all the time, especially with something insightful or meaningful.

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Boredom has me blog hopping a lot. It opens up the time for me to check out different content across different types of blogs. That I have to ask my self sometimes how did I get here? It could be an interesting comment on someone’s blog post, that has me checking out the person’s who wrote the comment blog. I love reading through comments. I googled about a topic and it had me opening various blogs. When someone mentions a blog that we all have to check out and support, I am all for checking it out, but I am very guilty of leaving if I see the person behind the blog didn’t put that much effort into beautifying, personalising and making their blog eye pleasant and friendly. I love organized blogs okay, sue me.

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Aesthetics. I love a beautiful blog, which theme just goes, like isn’t it wonderful, my aesthetics isn’t one of the greatest out there, but I love my flowery theme, it’s soothing to me! Like there are so many different formats of posts on various blogs, that I had to step up my game to this flowery theme you’re currently seeing. Anyways, like I said above I love a beautiful blog, a blog that is organized and designed appropriately. I don’t know about other people but it’s one of the things that attract me to a blog, like if a blog is beautiful it makes me happy going through it, as well as green with envy lol.

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Social media. As we have established I am a big blog hopping freak. If I randomly come across your social media page and it interests me, if your blog address is there, I’m definitely checking the blog out hard. If a person drops a link to a blog or post and it seems interesting I am clicking that link, if I haven’t seen the post or blog already. God bless Twitter threads, of blog links chain, that makes it so easy to discover new blogs and persons of interest. I am most likely to give you a follow on your social media pages also.

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Thanks for stopping by and reading this post to the end! So now how about you? What attracts you to a blog? I would love to know if it’s similar to mine, or there’s more.

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20 thoughts on “Literary Blogging 101: What Attracts People to a Blog

  1. I agree with everyone of your reasons, because they are the same for me. The more I create a connection with bloggers, the more I want to show them love everytime I can. I’ve been starting to blog-hop a lot these last weeks and it’s so much fun! “Communicating is two way, show me love and I return it in tenfolds.” : you just summed up my life in a sentence hahaha. 😂
    Also we all like to think that only the writing is important and the aesthetics doesn’t matter but it does! Obviously you’re gonna want to come back to a blog if it’s pretty to look at 😍(I was about to say it before reading what you said about it but I just love your flowery theme! It’s a way to differentiate yourself and to create your own univers for you and your readers). Have a great day Lara!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The most important thing for me is the content. As someone who is just learning how to improve the look of a blog, I am a lot more lenient when it comes to the look of a blog (but a pretty blog doesn’t hurt!) I also try to comment on posts that seem interesting to me

    Liked by 1 person

    • yay this post had got interest, thank you! i understand, i’m also lenient when it comes to following, but i need to ton it down cause now i’ve so many blogs to keep up to date with, i’m slowly weeding out content that don’t gel well with me so i can have a calmer wordpress reader. for example i’ve been missing your posts 🙈

      Liked by 1 person

      • Aww you’re so sweet! I have the opposite problem of not following enough blogs! I agree, content is very important. I try to follow blogs that do book reviews and other bookish things. There are some blogs where the blogger literally only links up posts made by other bloggers and it annoys me because it gives me no sense of who this blogger really is! I like to see original content and opinions wherever possible.

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  3. I’m not gonna lie, if i don’t like the blog’s aesthetic, i won’t follow :/ my brain is weird like that!! That being said I don’t fuss too much, as long as it’s clean and easy to read. But what makes me stay is the blogger’s voice like you said.
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your brain isn’t weird, it just appreciates things that look good 🤷🏾‍♀️ and the voice is very important, like when i read your posts, it’s in a serious yet passionate tone, that demands my attention lol. it’s a good thing i promise. thanks for commenting


  4. Aesthetic at first. If the blog is overstuffed or too dark I’m not attracted to it. Then as you said the person and the voice behind the blog. Even more than the topic! Last the topics

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes the voice is very appealing lol, it’s always good to have a colour scheme so nothing is too much and overwhelming ☺️ thanks for commenting


  5. I can totally relate to all the reasons. I have all sorts of ways of first opening the tab and read a blog, but to stay with them, I need some kind of connection to the blogger and their writing style. I do tend to stick to certain kinds of posts more than others, but a good voice can make me read almost anything. And while aesthetics aren’t everything, they are essential when it comes to usability. Sometimes the color schemes or graphics are so overpowering that it becomes difficult to read and that’s a real shame, because it says nothign about the content but still makes it less likely for me to come back.
    Great post!! ❤


    • bad colour scheme messes with me. like there’s a blog i go to to read because it makes me feel calm and less stressed when i’m viewing it. it all makes sense, i’ve seen some bad blogs that had good content but viewing it on a browser was problematic cause the colour scheme was overpowering. thanks for commenting and everything you said is valid

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  6. What attracts me to a blog and makes me follow one is the content. That’s the most important thing to me. Bonus points if your blog is pretty. I also look at the comments, If I see the blogger hardly replies comments I might think twice cause I love interaction.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right, like after taking your time to comment and you don’t get a response at all, soul crushing 😭 I respond late sometimes, and apologise when i notice i have ignored someone for quite awhile unknowingly lol.

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